in the context of art institutions
- Cleaning and Care -
The publication Unlearning exercises: Art Organizations as Sites for Unlearning (2019) is a collection of exercises, conversations and essays that reimagine the public space for the commons and that challenge the invisible layers embedded within the institutional habits. These thoughts and exercises have been developed through the project Site for Unlearning at Casco Art Institute in Utrecht, Netherland and artist Annette Krauss since 2014. inter:archive would like to share three keywords ‘Intersectionality’, ‘Care’ and ‘Cleaning to unlearn’ introduced in the publication. We believe these aspects crucial in order to undo the existing habits not only in art institutions per se but in the current social structure that constantly produces gendered, racialised, thus invisibilized bodies. (M.N)
"Learning is often progress-oriented, institutionally driven, and focused on the accumulation of knowledge, skills, and behavior. In contrast, unlearning is directed towards embodied forms of knowledge and the (un)-conscious operation of ways of thinking and doing. Unlearing denotes an active critical investigation of normative structures and practices in order to become aware and get rid of taken-for-granted “truths” of theory and practice. This book shares the process of unlearning, taking art and art institutions as sites for unlearning"
(ed. Binna Choi, Annette Krauss, Yolande van der Heide, Liz Allan, Unlearning exercises: Art Organizations as Sites for Unlearning, Valiz, 2019)